
基金/服务® 是U.S. 处理和结算共同基金的行业标准, bank collective fund and other pooled investment product transactions between fund companies and distributors.

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    基金/服务系统的介绍® 彻底改变了共同基金行业. 共同基金在上世纪八九十年代引起了公众的注意, 投资创下历史新高. Surging growth in the market threatened to swamp the industry with an unrelenting number of telephone calls, 传真和电汇, which were the common trading tools available to support transaction processing at that time. 这种主要的人工环境产生了重大的挑战, 其中许多是昂贵的, 例如交易和账户细节错误, significant delays in processing and reconciliation challenges – all of which impeded industry growth. The industry was in need of a mechanism to provide standardization and centralized processing to enable firms to fully realize the potential of this market.

    基金/服务, the solution to this widely recognized industry problem was introduced to automate critical back office operations. Launched by 存’s National Securities 清算 Corporation (NSCC) subsidiary in 1986 in collaboration with an industry consortium, 基金/服务 provides the industry processing capacity and flexibility to facilitate the growth of fund companies and their industry partners, 包括代理/经销商, 银行, 保险公司及其他金融中介机构. Its ability to streamline and speed processing time while greatly reducing cost and operational risk triggered exponential growth of the market.

    When first introduced, 基金/服务 had six clients processing 15 orders a day. 今天, 基金/服务 has more than 940 fund users and 350 firm users around the world conducting an average of over 860,每天有000个订单.

    Over the years 存’s 财富管理服务 has enhanced 基金/服务 to continue to meet the needs of the market. DCC&S (界定供款清缴) & 结算), 基金/服务系统的一个主要特点, economically leveraged NSCC’s existing technology and infrastructure to allow the defined contribution market to automate and simplify the processing of 401(k) orders. Other enhancements have brought the benefits of Automated Customer Account Transfer (ACATS-Fund /服务) processing to mutual funds as well as automating 529 state college savings plans, 稳定价值基金, 银行集体投资、信托和许多其他类型的投资.

  • 谁可以使用该服务

    Any interested financial organization that meets NSCC qualifications can use the service. 这包括非u.S. 注册的实体, which have the option of applying for direct membership or using the service through a U.S. 会员的附属机构或其他组织.

  • 好处


    • Virtually eliminates paperwork from the trade processing lifecycle by providing automated and standardized procedures
    • 为加工生命周期带来效率和成本效益
    • 简化货币结算,只有一个付款-借或贷. This daily net settlement of total mutual fund activity (in USD) mitigates the risks, 与多个结算场所相关的vns6060威尼斯城官网和成本
    • 产生规模经济, as increased trade volumes processed translates to drastically lower service and operational costs. 全行业平台适应销量增长
    • 允许灵活的订单输入, 通过网络和电子文件传输,每天工作22小时


    • Standardized orders are captured in an automated processing environment that reduces operational and compliance risk
    • 标准化的格式减少了与手工订单输入相关的错误


    • 1940年法案基金:有价基金、无价基金、开放式基金和货币市场基金
    • 打包计划和401(K)计划等固定缴款计划
    • 其他集合投资vnsr威尼斯城官网登入和非传统细分市场
      • 非你.S. 注册的基金
      • 银行集体资金
      • 单位投资信托基金
      • 第529节合格的州学费计划

  • 服务如何运作

    基金/SERV可通过存的SMART连接通过大型机访问, 通过存的MQ接口, 远程AT&T’s ANIRA network and also securely through My存 Web Portal that gives 存 clients direct access over the Internet to services provided by 存's subsidiaries

    • 订单处理: 订单处理从下午2:00开始.m. 美国东部时间周一至周五午夜.
    • 基金户口登记: 公司可以从下午2点开始随时传送注册文件.m. 等到午夜. 货币市场基金的注册必须与订单一起提交.
    • 订单确认: Funds may confirm orders and firms may retrieve confirmations from 2:00 a.m. 等到午夜. 货币市场购买订单可在结算后确认.
    • 结算: Flexible settlement features support various investment product requirements, 例如“同日”(T), 《vnsr威尼斯城官网登入》(T+1), “T+2”结算周期, 而任何结算周期最长可达十天. 所有的债务都以联邦基金在澳门赌场结算.
    • 解决覆盖: Firms can establish a settlement date for particular orders between one and seven days from the day the order is placed. This facilitates the processing of transactions requiring a settlement cycle different from traditional retail orders and accommodates the variety of global market holidays and differing firm cut-off times.
    • 备选解决: Funds can establish for certain firms a settlement date for particular securities.
    • 异常处理: 基金/SERV允许结算前和结算后的修正, 以及再确认, 公司出口, 公司和基金的删除和现金调整.
    • 现金的调整: 基金和公司可以要求分红, 资本利得, 佣金计费及调整, 系统的提款支付. Funds may also update contingent deferred sales charges and long- and short-term 资本利得 using this feature.
    • ACATS -基金/服务: The Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS) links to 基金/服务 and allows mutual funds to electronically update account registrations when a customer account is transferred from one brokerage firm or bank to another, 从基金转到经纪公司, 或者从经纪公司转到基金公司.
    • 续费: 基金/服务 allows mutual funds and distribution firms to electronically update account registrations when a customer account is transferred from a fund to a firm or from a firm to a fund.
    • 承销费 & 投标报价: Investment companies can take advantage of this centralized automated environment to process fund offers. NSCC's 承销 capability supports Expressions of Interest in Initial Public Offerings, while the Tender Offers capability supports the redemption of mutual fund shares.

  • 了解更多信息

    请联系客户支持,电话:1-212-855-8877或发电子邮件至 (电子邮件保护).

    基金/服务® 是国家证券结算公司(NSCC)提供的一项服务。, 存全资子公司. 本服务受适用规则的约束, 程序, 及服务指引, 哪些包含完整的条款, 条件, 以及适用于本服务的限制. 此处的服务描述仅供参考, 并保留修改的权利.

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  • 新闻

    Check out the latest news about 基金/服务 which eliminates paperwork from the trade processing lifecycle by providing automated procedures. 访问网站.

  • 法律

    下载有关基金/服务电子化计划的法律资料, providing the industry processing capacity to facilitate the growth of fund companies and their industry partners.

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存学习提供全面, fast-track training for 存 customers of financial services organizations who are looking to expand their expertise and abilities in using the post-trade processing products and services provided by 存’s subsidiaries.
