

GSD的成员包括经销商, 货币经纪公司, 注册投资公司, 政府证券发行人, 银行, 外国实体, registered clearing agencies and members of the Centrally Cleared Institutional Triparty (CCIT™) Service that meet GSD's membership requirements. GSD's central counterparty services provide its members with operationally efficient processing, 抵押品管理和降低风险.


  • Membership
  • CCIT

资本 & 保证金要求:

A full GSD membership type for registered dealers; registered government securities dealers; 银行 or trust companies chartered under the laws of the U.S. or a State thereof, or a bank or trust company established or chartered under the laws of a non-U.S. 司法管辖区,并参与GSD通过其美国.S. branch or agency; 货币经纪公司 (IDB); futures commission merchants; 政府证券发行人; registered clearing agencies; and 注册投资公司. An entity may apply to be a foreign member in one of the existing categories if FICC has determined that the entity has a home country regulator that has entered into a memorandum of understanding with the SEC regarding the sharing or exchange of information and maintains a presence in the U.S.,直接或通过合适的代理.


  • Financial Responsibility – Applicant must have sufficient financial ability to make anticipated required deposits to the 清算 Fund and Funds-Only 结算 Amounts and to meet all of its other obligations to the Corporation in a timely manner and satisfy certain minimum financial requirements.
  • 操作能力-申请人必须, 除此之外, successfully complete network and connectivity testing at the current FICC standards and fulfill, 在公司规定的期限内, any operational testing requirements and related reporting requirements that may be imposed by the Corporation to ensure the operational capability of the applicant.


  • U.S. Bank or Trust Company applicant must have CET1 资本 of at least $500 million and be Well 资本ized.
  • 班.S. Bank or Trust Company applicant must have CET1 资本 of at least $500 million, comply with the minimum capital requirements and capital ratios required by its home country regulator, or, 如果大, with such minimum capital requirements or capital ratios standards promulgated by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and provide an attestation for itself, its parent bank and its parent bank holding company detailing the minimum capital requirements and capital ratios required by their home country regulator.
  • 经销商, 期货事务监察委员会, or Inter-经销商 Broker applicant must have Net Worth of at least $25 million and an Excess Net 资本 or an equivalent of at least $10 million.
  • Foreign Person applicant must satisfy its home country regulator’s minimum financial requirements and if the applicant is 1) a broker or dealer, it must have a total equity capital of at least $25 million or 2) a non-U.S. bank or trust company, it must meet the requirements of (b) above.
  • Government Securities Issuer applicant must have equity capital of at least $100 million.
  • Registered Investment Company applicant must have a minimum Net Assets of $100 million.
    • 保证金要求

      Applicants must post an initial 清算 Fund Deposit based on the anticipated volume and nature of the Member’s activity, 上线之前. 发布上线, a 网 Member must meet a required 清算 Fund amount based on the 网 Member’s unsettled positions and the market risk associated with those positions; this amount is calculated twice daily.

CCITMembership is a limited GSD membership type for triparty cash lenders.


  • Financial Responsibility – Applicant has sufficient financial ability to meet all of its obligations to the Corporation in a timely manner.
  • Operational Capability – Applicant or its Joint Account Submitter, 是适用的, must be able to satisfactorily communicate with the Corporation, fulfill anticipated commitments to and meet the operational requirements of the Corporation with necessary promptness and accuracy, and conform to any operational condition and requirement that the Corporation reasonably deems necessary for its protection or that of its members.


  • 申请人必须拥有至少1亿美元的净资产.


CCIT Members are not required to post a 清算 Fund Deposit. CCIT Members grant FICC a security interest in and to the securities and other property delivered to it by the Corporation pursuant to the CCIT Transaction credited to an account maintained by the CCIT Member or Joint Account Submitter on its behalf as security for the prompt and complete payment and performance when due of all obligations of the CCIT Member to the Corporation under each CCIT Transaction.


The statements and other information available on and through this page, including information in any links and documents available on this page, 是为 仅供参考. 请参阅 德牧规则 for descriptions of the rules, procedures, and all rights, obligations, and other requirements of both FICC and its participants in connection with their use of GSD’s services. In the case of any discrepancy between the information 可在这里和GSD规则,GSD规则管辖.
