
SMART/Track provides a centralized communications hub for the transmission of various message types between participants. DTCC目前提供四项SMART/Track服务:


  • 机构贷款披露:在贷方和借款人之间传输公开的贷款数据.
  • Buy-Ins: tracks the status of buy-in notices and Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) closeouts between participants.
  • 企业的行动: tracks liability notifications between participants on voluntary action events.
  • 股票贷款召回消息:在交易对手之间传递股票贷款召回信息.
  • About

    SMART/Track for 机构贷款披露 provides a central communications hub for the transmission of open loan data between agent lenders and borrowers on a daily and periodic basis.

    代理银行 and borrowers are required to disclose data about open loans for credit monitoring and capital requirement purposes. DTCC developed this service at the request of the securities lending community to help address regulatory requirements regarding transparency in securities lending transactions.

    SMART/Track facilitates the disclosure between agent lenders and borrowers of loan data including:

    • Periodic data files that enable borrowers to do a credit pre-qualification of principal lenders they choose to borrow from.
    • Daily open loan files that enable borrowers to analyze their capital requirements and to adjust, 如果有必要的话, 为借入的证券所作的担保.

    In addition to supporting the transmission of periodic and daily loan files between agent lenders and borrowers, SMART/Track also provides a Web application that enables agent lenders to request the creation of unique identification numbers for principal lenders that do not have U.S. 税务识别号. Participants can also view the status of file transmissions from the Web application.

  • 谁可以使用该服务

    任何澳门赌场的全面服务结算会员, DTC client, 或国际证券借贷vnsr威尼斯城官网登入(ISLA)会员.

  • Benefits

    SMART/Track for 机构贷款披露 centralizes the process for transmitting open loan data between agent lenders and borrowers. 通过提供单一访问点, SMART/Track确保没有任何一方——无论是代理贷款人, borrower or vendor – has to build bilateral links to its counterparties to transmit loan information. 作为通信枢纽,SMART/Track:

    • Notifies the sender that it has received the file and made the file available to the receiver.
    • Creates a receipt record for the sender or generates an error code if it cannot deliver the file.
    • Provides 代理贷款人的网络屏幕, borrowers and vendors to browse the status of files being processed and request the creation of unique identifiers for principal lenders.

  • 服务如何运作

    SMART/Track充当机构贷款披露的“邮局”, transmitting open loan data files between agent lenders and borrowers. 代理银行 and borrowers can connect to SMART/Track for 机构贷款披露 directly or via a vendor relationship. 非会员必须直接连接到SMART/Track.

    代理银行 and borrowers using the same vendor technology platform – currently, SunGard or EquiLend – transmit information directly from one to another across the vendor’s platform. SMART/Track serves as a communications hub providing interoperability between counterparties for lenders and borrowers that are on different vendor platforms or are connecting directly to SMART/Track by routing the files to the appropriate counterparty.

    SMART/Track reviews the header and trailer information on the files to ensure it can successfully deliver the files to the designated counterparty and to verify that the file contains the number of records indicated. Because it lacks the ability to read the data records contained in the files, SMART/Track不编辑或验证文件数据.

    代理银行, borrowers or vendors can send files via DTC’s standard file transfer capabilities – Connect: Direct (formerly Network Data Mover or NDM) or File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Those agent lenders and borrowers that do not have connectivity to DTC can send files via the Internet using FTP.

    SMART/Track每天晚上都会创建一个参与者资格文件. Participants can retrieve this file to see which firms are eligible for the service. SMART/Track rejects agency lending files to counterparties that do not subscribe to SMART/Track for 机构贷款披露.


    将贷款文件直接发送到SMART/Track, participants must establish connectivity to DTC if they do not already connect for other products and services. Connectivity is established through DTCC’s Participant Interface Planning group at (电子邮件保护).


    Participants using a vendor must provide DTC with a third-party authorization letter so that DTC can set up the participant in SMART/Track with the appropriate vendor relationship.

  • 了解更多信息

    要获取更多信息,请点击 here.

Additional Resources

  • News

    阅读有关SMART/Track服务的最新信息, a centralized hub for agency lending disclosure and transmitting open loan data files.

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  • Legal

    Download legal info about SMART/Track服务-机构贷款披露 which centralizes the process for transmitting open loan data.

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  • Support

    我们的技术支持专家24小时为您服务. Contact us with questions regarding SMART/Track服务-机构贷款披露. 点击此处了解更多.




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