
For 存, risk management means protecting and evolving with the financial 市场s. This entails analyzing different financial, 操作 and technology risks. An ever-changing risk landscape magnifies the importance of 操作 resilience – the ability of 存 to anticipate and continue to provide its critical services regardless of the nature or origin of a disruptive event. Risk management is at the heart of the company’s mission as it has been since its inception more than 50 years ago.

积极主动的责任, day-to-day management of risk lies with business line and functional unit managers and their staff, senior management committees have an important role in implementing our risk management framework.

  • 执行委员会: The Executive Committee provides enterprise-wide strategic direction for all aspects of 存’s businesses, 技术与操作, 人力资本, 财务健康和风险管理. 在其职责中, the Executive Committee periodically reviews and assesses overall performance, 包括但不限于, 目标, 指标, 目标和预算, and approves recommendations for change as necessary.

  • 管理风险委员会(MRC): The MRC is primarily responsible for implementing 存’s risk management framework by overseeing the management of credit, 市场, 流动性, 操作, technology and systemic risks in accordance with the 存 Corporate Risk 框架 Policy and the Risk Tolerance Statements.

  • Investment Management Committee (IMC): The IMC oversees and monitors 存’s portfolio of investments and initiatives and 存’s overall health. The committee’s investment oversight responsibilities include reviewing and evaluating the overall investment portfolio for adherence to 存’s budget and recommending to the Executive Committee prioritization of ongoing and new initiatives that may be outside the original budget. The committee’s initiatives oversight responsibilities include approving material new initiatives and reviewing such initiatives through their lifecycles, 包括, evaluating documentation such as business cases and risk assessments and monitoring for alignment with 存’s strategic guidelines, 完成财务目标的表现, risk assessments and application of lessons learned.

  • 资讯科技管治委员会(ITGC): The ITGC provides holistic and comprehensive governance for 存’s IT organization to: (i) facilitate the oversight of the organization’s IT strategy; (ii) assess performance and progress against that strategy; and (iii) provide oversight of the technology capabilities that support 存’s technology. 与此目的一致, the ITGC oversees the development of infrastructure capabilities, 技术vns6060威尼斯城官网, processes and controls necessary to fulfill delivery requirements and monitors key technology 指标 associated with the delivery of IT’s services. The ITGC also reviews critical matters and material risk concerns related to new and existing IT services.


存 risks management revolves around four key areas: Resilience, 创新, 利益相关者, 和员工.

存 has also established a Corporate Risk Management 框架, pursuant to which its risk tolerances are established, 沟通和监控. The goal of the Corporate Risk Management 框架 is to define 存’s risk management program and provide guidelines to manage key risks across the organization in a comprehensive, 一贯有效的方式, enabling 存 to achieve its business objectives and remain consistent with its risk tolerances.

Risk management methodologies are integrated into all significant operations of the organization. 存 achieves this through an approach involving three lines of defense:

  • 第一道防线: The first line of defense is comprised of the various business lines and supporting functional units 包括 Product Management, 全球业务, Information Technology and other areas critical to 存’s daily operations and functioning. Their mandate is to manage risk proactively on a day-to-day basis.

  • 第二道防线: The second line of defense is comprised of 存’s control functions, 包括法务部, 私隐办事处, 合规 and those areas that fall within the Group Chief Risk Office. Their mandate is to provide advice and guidance to the first line of defense for adhering to established risk standards and/or to monitor compliance with such established risk standards.

  • 第三道防线: The third line of defense is the Internal Audit Department (IAD). IAD’s mission is to assess 存’s overall control environment, risk management and control framework and, 这样做的时候, to raise awareness of control risk and promote changes for improving governance processes. IAD provides independent and objective assurance to assist in 存’s maintenance of effective risk management and control practices.

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